Need a hosting package? We got you covered.

What does your business require when it comes to website hosting? That Web Company currently offer 3 flexible hosting packages, built to meet the budget and requirements of your growing business.

Hosting Plans

Did you know that when you host a website with That Web Company on either the $49 or $79 plans, we include licensed plugins whose individual value would exceed $1,665.00 a year if bought individually. Not only this, but we ensure your website is backed up every hour* with up to 2 month of backups able to be restored at any time. We also include up-time monitoring at no extra cost, and pre-configure the premium plugins, as well as some free ones, to be operational on your site from the moment your site is built with us.

Choose the hosting plan that best suits your needs. You can always upgrade or downgrade at any time

Business Hosting

Ideal for small business looking to manage their own website
$ 19/mo

Business Pro Hosting

Great for small to medium websites, includes minor updates
$ 49/mo

Over $163 worth of Value for just $49 per month.

Business Platinum Hosting

Hands-off web hosting, and ideal for ecommerce
$ 79/mo

Over $284 worth of Value for just $79 per month!

Each Hosting Plan Includes...

* Auto back-up's are configured in our hosting environment and take backup's at regular intervals, however it may sometimes skip a period of time if no changes to the website have taken place. Usually one backup per hour will be kept for 1 day, then 1 per day for 7 days, then one per week for 2 weeks, then 1 per month for 2 months.

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Secure Business Hosting

Choose from one of the options below

Business Hosting

$ 49/mo

Marketing Stack Upgrade

$ 138/mo

The TWC Marketing Stack offers incredible value for money, combining some of the very best marketing tools available on Wordpress at a heavily discounted price. Get $454 p/m worth of tools for only $89 p/m on top of your hosting costs. That’s a saving of over $360 a month!

Managed Business Hosting

Choose from one of the options below

Managed Hosting

$ 79/mo

Marketing Stack Upgrade

$ 168/mo

The TWC Marketing Stack offers incredible value for money, combining some of the very best marketing tools available on Wordpress at a heavily discounted price. Get $454 p/m worth of tools for only $89 p/m on top of your hosting costs. That’s a saving of over $360 a month!

Secure Business Hosting

Choose from one of the options below

Business Hosting

$ 49/mo

Funnelkit Upgrade

$ 74/mo

Funnelkit is an all-in-one marketing suite for ultimate control of your email marketing, retargeting, and up/cross selling. It’s a powerful suite of tools that will help you grow your online business faster!

Managed Business Hosting

Choose from one of the options below

Managed Hosting

$ 79/mo

Funnelkit Upgrade

$ 104/mo

Funnelkit is an all-in-one marketing suite for ultimate control of your email marketing, retargeting, and up/cross selling. It’s a powerful suite of tools that will help you grow your online business faster!



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